Here radio controlled model aircraft pilots can enter the next annual Bairnsdale Glide In Event to be held on the Australia Day weekend Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th January 2025 at VMAA State Field Eastern in Goon Nure, Victoria. This is a fun fly Glide in Weekend. Spectators are most welcome.
Bring your favourite Glider including DLG, electric powered, bungy, winch or aerotow and enjoy the great armosphere of the Bairnsdale Club. Be in the running for the Perpetual “Glide In” trophy.
Conditions !
This is a fun fly weekend.
Pilots must be MAAA registered.
You choose and just fly for fun !
We will award a number of prizes on the day.
A raffle will be held over the weekend.
Entry Fee !
Pilot entry fee is just $25.00 with no limit upon the number of model aircraft you bring to fly.
Airfield gates will be open from Friday 24th to 27th January 2025.
On-site camping available from Friday night 24th January 2025.
MAAA members are most welcome to camp on-site at our Goon Nure flying field from Friday night 24th January 2025. All that we ask is that you include $10.00 per night to cover our costs (see entry/payment form below).
Electric power, toilets, hot showers, gas barbeque, fire pit and disabled amenities are available to you.
Otherwise, there is Caravan Park and Cabin accommodation available around the Bairnsdale area. Find more details here
Catering !
Catering will be provided at the airfield at reasonable prices on Saturday and Sunday.
Hot and cold food and drinks will be available to purchase at reasonable prices.
Spectators Welcome !
Spectators are most welcome to come and see a broad variety of model aircraft in action at our airfield in Goon Nure, just 11.5 km south of Bairnsdale on Bengworden Road. We ask that you make a gold coin donation upon entry to the event.
We look forward to seeing you at the BADMAC Glide in Event in January 2025.